Chamberlain Music is a Department for Education approved supplier for the Musical Instruments, Equipment & Technology Framework
Thank you for your recent purchase from Chamberlain Music. On this page, you can register your qualifying items with us and extend their warranty period.
Please ensure that you enter your details carefully and exactly as instructed below, otherwise we will not be able to validate your extended warranty.
Your invoice number and order number can both be found in the top right of your invoice document you will have received from us via email
The invoice number comes in the format of SINC then 5 numbers, e.g. SINC12345.
The order number comes in the format of SORC then 5 numbers, e.g. SORC12345.
You must enter the codes of every product from your order that qualifies for the extended warranty, exactly as they appear on your invoice.
Please separate each product code (SKU) with a comma.