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1450418 - Red Hot Song Library - Warm Ups Default title

Red Hot Song Library - Warm Ups

brand: Kevin Mayhew
ISBN: 9781848671812, Stock code: 1450418 new
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Red Hot Song Library, an amazing resource to help teachers introduce singing that is fun, relaxed and successful. Play through the books... Read more
  • Instrumentation: Choir
  • Composer: Sarah Watts
  • Digital Download (instead of CD) contains practice and performance tracks
RRP £10.99
  • £9.62 when you buy 10+
  • £9.34 when you buy 20+
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Red Hot Song Library - Warm Ups

Welcome to the wonderful world of the Red Hot Song Library, an amazing resource to help teachers introduce singing that is fun, relaxed and successful. Play through the books or listen to the CDs, which include both practice and performance tracks, and you’ll hear jut why so many educational professionals embrace Sarah Watts’ music with such enthusiasm.

Contains songs, some with actions, for warming up the voice before each singing session.

A flea and a fly in a flue
All around the kitchen
Candy man
Captain, go sidetrack your train
Down by the bay
Forty years on an iceberg
Give me five
Got to get up
Happy Christmas!
Hello, how d'you do?
Hey there and good morning
Ho ho ho hosannah!
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
Listen up
Reasons for not coming to school
Retro radio
The shoo ba dee do song
There's a white van man
Wake up slowly
Wake up! Warm up!1450418

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