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JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title
JJ5500 - Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book Default title

Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book

brand: Panyard
ISBN: 7137570902304, Stock code: JJ5500 new
Quickly learn the Steel Drum and the Trinidadian culture surrounding it with this comprehensive Beginner’s Guide. Great for children or adults. Fantastic for general music classrooms (K-8). Designed for... Read more
  • Instrumentation: Steel pan, World percussion
  • Composer: Kimberley M Roberts
  • An introduction to Jumbie Jam steel pans
  • Now with downloadable audio tracks
  • No experience of traditional music notation required
  • Provides instrument care tips, playing techniques, history and songs
RRP £14.50
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Jumbie Jam Beginner's Guide and Song Book

Quickly learn the Steel Drum and the Trinidadian culture surrounding it with this comprehensive Beginner’s Guide. Great for children or adults. Fantastic for general music classrooms (K-8). Designed for the JJ but will work for any Steel Drum or other instruments.

Divided into four sections: General Instructions, Music, Historical/Cultural Information, and Glossary. Studying the information presented in these sections will help establish a solid foundation in playing technique, instrument care and effective practice habits along with fascinating historical and cultural events surrounding the steel drum.

Original songs are repetitive and use only a few pitches per song. This will acquaint the user with the layout of the JJ.

You will receive a printed version of the book along with access to all the Free Downloadable audio tracks at Each Song includes three tracks; Practice, Play Along and Performance.

For G Diatonic Jumbie Jam Pans5500 | Roberts Kimberley M | Roberts Kimberley M
Jumbie Jam Brand Flyer

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