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JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title
JJ5512 - Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum Default title

Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum

brand: Panyard
ISBN: 736211114037, Stock code: JJ5512 new
Joyous songs of praise for children and adults. (can be used to play with other instruments too!) Read more
  • Instrumentation: Steel pan, World percussion
  • Arranger: Guy George
  • 4 part arrangements for Jumbie Jam or mixed ensembles
  • 8 songs of faith from many denominations
  • Add the magic of the islands to these hymns
  • Suitable for beginner to intermediate players
RRP £25
4 in stock
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More about this title

Jumbie Jam - Songs of Faith for steel drum

Joyous songs of praise for children and adults. (can be used to play with other instruments too!)

Each song has four parts: Melody, Harmony, Chord/Strum and bass line, supporting multiple Jumbies or other instruments performing together. Supplied with free download practice and performance tracks..

You don't have to know how to read music to use Jumbie Jam Song Books; the notes are marked by the note letter which match the notes marked on the Jumbie Jam. (Standard musical notation also included)

Abide With Me
Amazing Grace
Beautiful Savior
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
Holy, Holy, Holy
I Feel Like Traveling On
Jesus Loves Me
Shall we Gather At The River

5512 | George Guy | George Guy
Jumbie Jam Brand Flyer

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