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NOV070499 - Frankenstein Vocal Score Default title
NOV070499 - Frankenstein Vocal Score Default title
NOV070499 - Frankenstein Vocal Score Default title
NOV070499 - Frankenstein Vocal Score Default title

Frankenstein Vocal Score

brand: Novello
ISBN: 9780853601692, Stock code: NOV070499 new
Carey Blyton. This fun piece subtitled ‘A Bolt From The Blue’ is based on Mary Shelley’s book and is written for narrator, unison voices and piano with chord symbols.... Read more
RRP £5.99
  • £5.24 when you buy 10+
  • £5.09 when you buy 20+
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Frankenstein Vocal Score

Carey Blyton. This fun piece subtitled ‘A Bolt From The Blue’ is based on Mary Shelley’s book and is written for narrator, unison voices and piano with chord symbols. Performances can be staged or simply sung as a concert item. Conventions, sound effects and visual gags of Victorian music hall melodrama, such as hissing the Monster are effective in moderation! More than one narrator can be used and the ten songs sung by all the voices, or solos (characters) can be used to contrast with the choruses. 45 mins.070499 | Blyton Carey | Blyton Carey

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