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NOV410135 - Gilbert and Sullivan Choruses Default title

Gilbert and Sullivan Choruses

brand: Novello
ISBN: 9781849385732, Stock code: NOV410135 new
The collaboration of W.S. Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan was an instant success, creating works which have been unceasing in their popularity since their first performances. Gilbert's inspired humour combines... Read more
RRP £20.99
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  • £17.84 when you buy 20+
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Gilbert and Sullivan Choruses

The collaboration of W.S. Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan was an instant success, creating works which have been unceasing in their popularity since their first performances. Gilbert's inspired humour combines with Sullivan's charming melodies to create the most memorable music: two master craftsmen pleasing audiences and performers in equal measure.

This collection brings together 28 choruses from the operas into one handy volume and also includes The Long Day Closes. Edited by Brian Kay and Robin Wilson.

As Before You We Defile, Eloia! Eloia! (The Grand Duke)
Behold The Lord High Executioner! (The Mikado)
Climbing Over Rocky Mountain (The Pirates Of Penzance/Thespis)
Comes A Train Of Little Ladies (The Mikado)
Dance A Cachucha, Fandango, Bolero (The Gondoliers)
Death To The Invader (Princess Ida)
Eagle High In Cloudland Soaring (Utopia Limited)
For The Merriest Fellows Are We (The Gondoliers)
Hail, Poetry (The Pirates Of Penzance)
Happy Couples Lightly Treading (The Grand Duke)
Hark, The Hour Of Ten Is Sounding (Trial By Jury)
If You Want To Know Who We Are (The Mikado)
In A Doleful Train (Patience)
List And Learn, Ye Dainty Roses (The Gondoliers)
Loudly Let The Trumpet Bray! (Iolanthe)
Now To The Banquet We Press (The Sorcerer)
Once More Gondolieri (The Gondoliers)
Over The Bright Blue Sea (H.M.S. Pinafore)
Ring Forth, Ye Bells (The Sorcerer)
Sir Joseph's Barge Is Seen/Gaily Tripping (H.M.S. Pinafore)
The Long Day Closes [Sullivan, Arthur]
Tower Warders, Under Orders (The Yeomen Of The Guard)
Tripping Hither, Tripping Thither (Iolanthe)
Walls And Fences Scaling (Princess Ida)
Welcome, Gentry (Ruddigore)
When Anger Spreads His Wing (Princess Ida)
When The Foeman Bares His Steel (The Pirates Of Penzance)
With Cat-like Tread, Upon Our Prey We Steal (The Pirates Of Penzance)
With Strephon For Your Foe, No Doubt (Iolanthe)410135 | Sullivan Arthur | Sullivan Arthur

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