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OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title
OUP-3361805 - The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score Default title

The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193361805, Stock code: OUP-3361805 new
The Ivy and the Holly is a superb collection of carols and motets for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany by contemporary composers. Scored for mixed voices - a cappella and... Read more
  • Voicing: SATB
  • Instrumentation: Choir
  • 14 Contemporary Carols
  • SATB unaccompanied & with organ
  • Publication date: 21/08/2008, 104 pages, Size: 249x174mm
  • Browse contents...
RRP £19.95
  • £17.96 when you buy 10+
  • £17.46 when you buy 20+
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The Ivy and the Holly: Vocal score

The Ivy and the Holly is a superb collection of carols and motets for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany by contemporary composers. Scored for mixed voices - a cappella and with organ - the anthology embraces a range of styles and sonorities. Here are plainchant lines, lilting melodies, and overlapping phrases; lively, energetic settings and soft, reflective ones; dancing rhythms and rich, sumptuous harmonies. Encompassing a variety of texts, with settings of medieval English verse and biblical passages alongside poems by celebrated writers, this collection will be welcomed by concert and church choirs alike. Includes composers' notes, liturgical table, and translations3361805

Causton: Cradle song

Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol

Skepton: Rejoice, rejoice

McDowall: Now may we singen

Pott: Mary's carol

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Contents Contents
1Kerry AndrewThe Contest of the Ivy and the Holly
2Basil AthanasiadisAntiphon to Mary
3Alan BullardAnd all the stars looked down
4Richard CaustonCradle Song
5Bob ChilcottThe Shepherd's Carol
6Michael FinnissyTelling
7Gabriel JacksonThe Magi
8Cecilia McDowallNow may we singen
9Terry MannGabriel fram Hevene-King
10Joseph PhibbsSt Margaret's Carol
11Francis PottMary's Carol
12John RutterDormi, Jesu
13Howard SkemptonRejoice, rejoice
14Andrew SmithVeni, redemptor gentium
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