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OUP-3365889 - Praise to the Name Default title

Praise to the Name

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193365889, Stock code: OUP-3365889 new
A collection of Timothy Dudley-Smith's hymn texts 2005-2008, following on from A House of Praise and A Door for the Word
RRP £16.25
  • £14.63 when you buy 10+
  • £14.22 when you buy 20+
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Praise to the Name

A collection of Timothy Dudley-Smith's hymn texts 2005-2008, following on from A House of Praise and A Door for the Word3365889

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Contents Contents
2A city strong we claim as ours
3A heart of love the Lord displays
4A man to Christ committed
5As one in Christ the Lord
6Behold, the kingdom is the Lord's
7Child of Mary, softly sleeping
8Christ bids us break the bread
9Christ is the shining sun of all our days
10Come, rejoice with all things living
11Draw near with God, he is not far to seek
12Draw near to God in humble adoration
13Fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers
14Freed in Christ from death and sin
15From the deep places, hear my cry
16God who formed the mighty ocean
17In Christ is all I need
18Jesus, the saving Name
19Jesus the Son
20Last of the great prophetic line
21Let this prayer, O Lord, be granted
22Lift high your hearts in blessing
23Light on the path, a lamp about our way
24Light to the world, a child is born
25O cross, between whose branches bare
26O God of heaven, from whose hand
27O God, whose angels see your face
28Our God and Father, whose eternal mind
29'Peace be to you,' was Jesus' word
30Rejoice in God, my heart
31Songs in the night, at Jesus' birth
32The Lord is king, enthroned in might
33To God, our God, the nation's Lord
34Whom God has summoned by his word
35Whose is the voice which makes the winds to blow?
36Whose mighty word the heavens made?
37Wonder of all wonders
38Notes on the hymns
40Index of Biblical references
41Themes from the church calendar
42Metrical index
43Index of suggested tunes
44Index of themes and subjects
45Index of first lines
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