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OUP-3436640 - The Oxford Book of English Madrigals: Vocal score Default title

The Oxford Book of English Madrigals: Vocal score

brand: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780193436640, Stock code: OUP-3436640 new
This book presents 60 of the very best madrigals for SATB, chosen from the many hundreds of possible candidates. The major composers of the genre are each represented by... Read more
RRP £23.50
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  • £20.56 when you buy 20+
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The Oxford Book of English Madrigals: Vocal score

This book presents 60 of the very best madrigals for SATB, chosen from the many hundreds of possible candidates. The major composers of the genre are each represented by several madrigals and the lesser figures by one or more3436640

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Contents Contents
1BatesonThose Sweet Delightful Lilies
2BennetAll Creature Now
3BennetWeep, O Mine Eyes
4ByrdLullaby, My Sweet Little Baby
5ByrdThis Sweet and Merry Month of May
6ByrdThough Amaryllis Dance
7CavendishCome, Gentle Swains
8EastPoor is the Life
9EastQuick, Quick, Away, Dispatch!
10EastNo Haste But Good!
11FarmerFair Nymphs, I Heard One Telling
12FarmerFair Phyllis I Saw
13FarnabyConsture My Meaning
14GibbonsAh, Dear Heart
15GibbonsDainty Fine Bird
16GibbonsO That the Learned Poets
17GibbonsThe Silver Swan
18GibbonsTrust Not Too Much, Fair Youth
19GibbonsWhat is our Life?
20GreavesCome Away, Sweet Love
21KirbyeSee What a Maze of Error
22MorleyApril is in my Mistress' Face
23MorleyFyer, Fyer!
24MorleyHard by a Crystal Fountain
25MorleyI Love, Alas, I Love Thee
26MorleyLeave, Alas, This Tormenting
27MorleyMy Bonny Lass She Smileth
28MorleyNow is the Month of Maying
29MorleySing We and Chant It
30MorleyThough Philomela Lost Her Love
31MorleyWhither Away So Fast?
32RamseySleep, Fleshly Birth
33TomkinsAdieu, Ye City-Prisoning Towers
34TomkinsMusic Divine
35TomkinsO Yes! Has any Found a Lad?
36TomkinsSee, See the Shepherds' Queen
37TomkinsToo Much I Once Lamented
38VautorMother, I Will Have a Husband
39VautorSweet Suffolk Owl
40WardCome, Sable Night
41WeelkesAs Vesta Was
42WeelkesCome, Sirrah Jack, Ho!
43WeelkesHark, All Ye Lovely Saints
44WeelkesO Care, Thou Wilt Despatch Me
45WeelkesHence, Care, Thou Art Too Cruel
46WeelkesSince Robin Hood
47WeelkesSing We At Pleasure
48WeelkesStrike It Up, Tabor
49WeelkesThule the Period of Cosmography
50WeelkesThe Andalusian Merchant
51WeelkesThus Sings My Dearest Jewel
52WilbyeAdieu Sweet Amaryllis
53WilbyeDraw On, Sweet Night
54WilbyeFlora Gave Me Fairest Flowers
55WilbyeLady, When I Behold
56WilbyeO What Shall I Do?
57WilbyeSweet Honey-Sucking Bees
58Wilbye Yet, Sweet, Take Heed
59WilbyeWeep, Weep, Mine Eyes
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